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The ACLU? They’re Crackheads

By Wyatt Earp | June 27, 2005

You know, when I heard this story on the Glenn Beck radio show this morning, I thought I was still half-asleep. After slapping myself in the face a couple of times, I realized this was no joke: the ACLU is now defending polygamy as a “fundamental right.”

ACLU Prez (and resident idiot) Nadine Strossen stated her organization defends “the freedom of choice for mature, consenting individuals,” making it “the guardian of liberty … defend[ing] the fundamental rights of all people.

Whew! Thank God (or whatever tree the ACLU is currently worshipping), I thought I was gonna have to pack up the family and drive all the way to Utah to celebrate my own special view of marriage. Now that the ACLU lawyers are on the case, I may just be able to interview perspective new wives in the privacy of my own home. These men and women truly are American Heroes!

Topics: Snarkasm | 1 Comment »

One Response to “The ACLU? They’re Crackheads”

  1. Damian G. Says:
    June 27th, 2005 at 10:29 pm

    If they defend beastiality, I shall declare a fatwa on their pansy asses.