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A Slap In The Face

By Wyatt Earp | August 24, 2006

Is this any way to treat a national treasure?

I would have expected more from my countrymen. Scientists in Prague, Czech Republic have stripped Bluto of his planetary status. Considered too small by those in the elite scientific community, Bluto has been downgraded to “dwarf planet” status.

Now, the master of mayhem at Faber College has to share a classification reserved for those under four feet tall. Well, I’ll tell you what; I won’t stand for it! This is the man who broke bottles over his head for others’ amusement. This is the man with a 0.0 GPA. This is the man who destroyed that filthy hippie’s guitar! Bluto deserves better.

What’s that? It was Pluto that lost its status? Oh. Never mind.

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