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The Waiting Is The Hardest Part

By Wyatt Earp | August 25, 2006

No, I haven’t forgotten PIH today. And, no I haven’t forgotten to post, either. Instead, I am sitting home anxiously awaiting for UPS to bring me my damned DSL modem that Verizon forgot to ship. The Verizon rep told me that she was overnighting it yesterday, so I am sitting at the door like Sssteve waits for the pizza guy. Just be patient, and you’ll get yours. (Posts, that is.)

In the meantime here’s something to mull over:

Top Five Things I Am Pondering While Waiting For My Modem

5. Is Tiger Woods is the greatest golfer ever? He is leading again today.
4. Did Basil get my interview answers? The interview is to be posted tomorrow.
3. When will I get free time to play Madden ’07?
2. Is that a pimple or a boil?

And the number one thing I am pondering while waiting for my modem is . . .

1. Why is Andy Dick famous?

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