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Stop The Presses!

By Wyatt Earp | October 25, 2007

A rapper is in trouble with the law! But, they’re usually such fine, upstanding individuals . . .

Rapper Foxy Brown has received 76 days in punitive segregation after she scuffled with another inmate at Rikers Island jail, authorities said Tuesday. Brown was separated from other inmates on Oct. 16, said Stephen Morello, deputy commissioner for public information for the city’s correction department.

Brown, 28, and another inmate got into a shoving match earlier this month, said Morello, adding he didn’t know why the two were fighting. Neither inmate was injured.

Following that incident, Morello said Brown was abusive toward correction guards and then refused to take a random drug test. (H/T – )

Lovely. Okay, it’s quiz time again. Which of the following will be the result of this latest incident of thuggery:

  1. Foxy’s “street cred” will go through the roof.
  2. Foxy’s album sales will go through the roof.
  3. My blood pressure will go through the roof.
  4. All of the above.

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