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A Message From The Diva

By Wyatt Earp | December 17, 2008

Somehow, I think Julia is trying to send us a message. Maybe it’s just me, but I am getting the feeling that she has had more than enough with the picture-taking.

What do you think?


“Darn it, I said NO PICTURES!!!

Topics: The Girl |

15 Responses to “A Message From The Diva”

  1. Sully Says:
    December 17th, 2008 at 8:20 am

    It could be, “live long and prosper…”

  2. Bloviating Zeppelin Says:
    December 17th, 2008 at 9:28 am

    In my book, I think that’s called a “clue.”


  3. Deanna Says:
    December 17th, 2008 at 9:48 am

    Every girl has to have a little privacy! (She is sooooo cute!)

  4. Doghouse Says:
    December 17th, 2008 at 10:04 am

    Don’t make me pull out an umbrella and beat your car!

  5. Moe Says:
    December 17th, 2008 at 11:28 am


  6. Maggie Mama Says:
    December 17th, 2008 at 11:50 am

    Definitely thumbing her nose at the camera. Those damn flash spots totally confuse them.

  7. Rick Says:
    December 17th, 2008 at 12:28 pm

    Back off with that camera buster.
    What a Doll.

  8. Dorkelina Says:
    December 17th, 2008 at 3:56 pm

    She’s too adorable for words. ^_^ I’m feeling a case of baby fever coming on… Must… Resist… Urge to go make more babies.

    Thank goodness Sgt. Bones is sleeping. Hah!

  9. Ride Fast Says:
    December 17th, 2008 at 4:20 pm

    Awe, what a cutie. A soon as she learns to make a fist your going to be in trouble.

  10. Wyatt Earp Says:
    December 17th, 2008 at 4:29 pm

    Sully - Would it be weird if I put pointy ears on her?

    BZ - At least she’s not flipping us off.

    Deanna - Thank you!

    Doghouse - I’m glad she didn’t break my camera!

    Moe - Yeah, the little princess.

    Maggie - Didn’t even think of that. Yeah, I think she is thumbing her nose!

    Rick - Thanks!

    Dorkelina - Yes, yes, come to the Dark Side!

    Ride Fast - Yeah, I’m screwed.

  11. momster Says:
    December 17th, 2008 at 5:30 pm

    What a pretty baby. Maybe she was trying to grab a flash spot.

  12. Easily Lost Says:
    December 17th, 2008 at 7:21 pm

    absolutely gorgeous little girl.

  13. Wyatt Earp Says:
    December 17th, 2008 at 9:51 pm

    Momster - Nah, I was holding a $100 bill over her head. /sarc

    E.L. - Thank you very much!

  14. RT Says:
    December 17th, 2008 at 11:47 pm

    She is just so cute! Get used to that look. It will return in about 13/14 years. :)

  15. Alan B Says:
    December 18th, 2008 at 3:52 pm

    She’s gorgeous.

    She may break your heart a few times but you will love her all your life!

    (a father of 2 girls + 1 boy)
