Happy Birthday, Jenn The Librarian!
By Wyatt Earp | December 27, 2008

Jenn the Librarian at work.
Jenn the Librarian is turning “early 30’s” today. Regular readers of SYLG know her as The Badger’s girlfriend fiancee, but my friends and I know her as the woman who’ll put Badger on the straight and narrow. And trust me, that’s good for everyone.
People ask me why I don’t post the birthdays of the rest of my idiot friends’ significant others. Well, the reason is two-fold. First, Jenn likes me - or tolerates me, I am not sure which. The rest of my friends’ wives hate my guts . . . and for good reason! Second, she spent an entire ice hockey game talking to my 7-year old, Kyle. In my book, anyone who can handle that is worthy of a post. Heh.
So, for the third year in a row - in case she’s counting - I remembered The Librarian’s birthday. Happy birthday, Jenn!!!
Topics: My Idiot Friends |
December 27th, 2008 at 4:30 pm
After he’s married, I’m tempted to run him over with a truck and marry the grieving widow.
That said, may he and his fiancee have many happy years together.
December 27th, 2008 at 5:18 pm
Good that you remember some birthdays beyond your own, bad that you are destroying the belief that librarians and library workers are normal people (some of them very hot, and some of them not). We will have to start fooling the patrons again with how common we really are….
December 27th, 2008 at 7:22 pm
Happy birthday to Miss Jenn.
December 27th, 2008 at 7:28 pm
Happy birfday to Jenn
It’s the old keep the friends close and enemies closer tactic 
December 28th, 2008 at 1:07 pm
Glocksman - Can’t do that! He’s our only goaltender!
Earl - Jenn is very attractive, and from what I have seen, neither you nor she are nerds.
RT - That will soon be “Mrs. Badger.” Heh.
Old NFO - Agreed!