Weekend Caption Contest
By Wyatt Earp | January 23, 2009

Darth Earnhardt Caption Contest
(Source: Break.com)
Submit your caption to this photo in the comments section, or e-mail me your photoshop entries. The winners will be announced on Monday January 26th. Good luck!
Other Current Contests:
Blonde Sagacity
Cowboy Blob
Family Security Matters
Gone Rick Motel
Right Pundits
Rodney Dill
Top Seven Entries:
7. Cheney’s new career! - Big Bag Of Wind
6. “God damn headlights on that truck behind me! Must be that dork, Randall Graves.” - Uncle Ray
5. Danica, I am your Father. You must submit to my dark-side. - ET
4. Kessel Run my arse. - Rodney Dill
3. Suddenly, he realized that you can’t pick up the hot chicks in a single seat car. - chsw
2. Darth Vader hopes this car will make up for all the lost years with his son. - Deanna
WINNER! - Coming To Theaters Soon: Jedi Knight Rider! - B.C.
Topics: Caption Contest |
January 23rd, 2009 at 4:10 pm
Flash forward 20 years. It’s Kyle at his dream job, wearing his dream racing helmet.
January 23rd, 2009 at 4:43 pm
Cheney’s new career!
January 23rd, 2009 at 4:51 pm
Is that Darth Helmet…?
January 23rd, 2009 at 5:51 pm
Mad Max: Road Star Warrior
January 23rd, 2009 at 5:54 pm
“Darth Vader is seen cruising the universe after Emperor Obama’s energy
policyfallacy bankrupts the anti-matter industry, thus grounding the entire Imperial Fleet.”January 23rd, 2009 at 6:07 pm
[...] Wyatt (I WON last week!) [...]
January 23rd, 2009 at 6:35 pm
The photo from the Mars Lander that really freaked out NASA.
January 23rd, 2009 at 8:41 pm
NAWAR,debuts………National Association Weird Ass Racers!
January 23rd, 2009 at 8:59 pm
He suddenly appears in your rearview mirror, seemingly from out of nowhere. He pulls into the left lane, and with a roar of his engine and a flash of his middle finger, he blows past you and disappears over the horizon. You’ve just come face to face with . . . The Rude Warrior.
January 23rd, 2009 at 10:16 pm
Darth Vader hopes this car will make up for all the lost years with his son.
January 24th, 2009 at 8:21 am
Kessel run my arse.
January 24th, 2009 at 9:24 am
Goddam headlights on that truck behind me! Must be that dork, Randall Graves.
January 24th, 2009 at 9:39 am
Danika, I am your Father. You must submit to my dark-side.
January 24th, 2009 at 11:42 am
[...] Wyatt Earp is gonna put Gordon into the wall. [...]
January 24th, 2009 at 1:00 pm
In an effort to make NASCAR exciting and attract an audience, racing officials will now co-sponsor NASCAR races and Sci-Fi conventions at the same time, thereby bringing EVERYONE in the US without a life to the same place every week.
January 24th, 2009 at 1:47 pm
When the mortgage company forclosed on the Death Star, Darth resumed his old paper route.
January 24th, 2009 at 1:54 pm
Coming To Theaters Soon: Jedi Knight Rider!
January 25th, 2009 at 12:26 am
Suddenly, he realized that you can’t pick up the hot chicks in a single seat car.
January 25th, 2009 at 2:24 am
And you thought DALE was intimidating!
January 25th, 2009 at 7:55 pm
If you think this is the kind of vehicle the Big Three will be producing under the auspices of the federal government, you’ve got moon rocks in your head.
January 26th, 2009 at 8:49 pm
Suck on THAT, Screen Actors’ Guild!
Thanks, Wyatt.