A Field Trip That Can Really Bug You
By Wyatt Earp | February 26, 2009

A desert scorpion.
I spent yesterday morning attending a class field trip with my five-year old son Erik. The trip was to Steve’s Bug-Off and Insectarium – a three-story museum that contains live insects and arachnids, static presentations, and other cool creepy crawlies.
The irony? Steve’s Bug Off is an exterminating company. Well, I guess their motto is “Know thy enemy.”
We offloaded from the cheese bus – that’s a yellow school bus for those not in the know – and were directed to the second floor by our guide. She sat the kids down and explained the difference between an insect (six legs) and an arachnid (eight legs) and showed a few of each and explained what they were, where they lived, and what they did or did not do. The woman was good, because the kids’ eyes never left her.
She then brought out some specimens for show and tell. She brought out a walking stick – which looked, oddly enough – like a stick and let one of the kids hold it. Then she brought out a scorpion . . . I don’t know what happened next, because I ran to the roof until she put it back. Finally, she opened the box with the hissing cockroach. After explaining what it was and where it lived, she asked if anyone wanted to “pet” it. Guess who raised his hand?
Erik really seemed to love that cockroach – and don’t think I didn’t check his pockets when he and his classmates left for the day.
All in all, a good time was had by all, and we stopped at Burger King for lunch on the way back to school. Bugs and fries? Jackpot!
Topics: The Boys | 8 Comments »
February 26th, 2009 at 9:36 am
Even better; fried bugs!
February 26th, 2009 at 10:09 am
EWWWW! One of my true “kind of” phobias is bugs! Especially spiders. You have one brave son.
February 26th, 2009 at 11:23 am
Worst roaches I ever saw were in the Virgin Islands.
3 inches long and they fly at head level. I found one on the ground once and I stepped on it; then I watched it run away apparently unharmed.
After that I bought some rum and a tennis racket.
February 26th, 2009 at 1:23 pm
The only good spider is a dead spider. The only good cockroach is a dead cockroach. The only good scorpion is a dead scorpion. (Seeing a theme here?)
I don’t have to worry about Charlie bringing bugs in the house. It is Bethany I have to frisk when she comes in from the outside.
February 26th, 2009 at 6:09 pm
Erik is too cute. I’m glad you had the chance to go on a field trip with him, bugs and all. Oh, and I would have been squealing like a freak when that scorpion made an appearance.
February 26th, 2009 at 6:46 pm
I think I have a pair of Hissing Cockroaches if you would want them. I’m pretty sure they are not illegal to ship through the mail. Things teachers bring home. MUD
February 26th, 2009 at 9:15 pm
Sounds like a great field trip!
Did your guide discuss insect collecting at all? I can see the entire class going home and nearly putting Steve out of business due to their enthusiasm with a net and a killing jar. Of course, two weeks later, they would have put the net in the corner and forgotten all about it…except for that one kid with a little glint in his eye. He’sdifferent.
February 28th, 2009 at 4:56 pm
Doghouse – Now why didn’t I think of that?
DL474 – He practically pushed kids out of the way to get in front.
Kaveman – They really should hand out shotguns to tourists there.
Kim – Figures it would be the girl.
RT – It was a big sumbitch.
MUD – Eh, no thanks!
Joated – There was a gift shop – seriously – and they sold bug collection kits.