Happy 200th Birthday, President Lincoln
By Wyatt Earp | February 12, 2009

Lincoln's inauguration - March 4, 1861
Elm sent me an e-mail, asking me if I was going to mention Abraham Lincoln’s 200th birthday. While I am a tremendous history buff - especially when it comes to the Presidency - I was considering ignoring the occasion. It is not because I don’t care - I do - it is because I figured that every single news outlet and blog would also be mentioning it, so why would anyone want to read my thoughts on the matter?
Then, Elm mentioned that she hadn’t seen anything about the day on AOL news and a couple of other internet sources, so I changed my mind. Everyone knows about the details of his life and death, so I wanted to post a story that a lot of you may not have known - courtesy of my new favorite book: The Greatest Presidential Stories Never Told.
There was one speech in particular that Lincoln knew in his heart had fallen short. The applause he received in response to his remarks was the first sign. It was barely enough to qualify as polite. Stepping down from his podium, he turned to an associate and delivered his judgment. “That speech won’t scour. It was a flat failure.”
Many is the press agreed. The Chicago Times reported, “The cheek of every American must tingle with shame as he reads the silly, flat, dish-watery utterances of . . . the President of the United States.” The London Times told its readers, “Anything more dull and commonplace it would not be easy to produce.”
What were the “silly remarks” made by the president that were nothing more than “dull and commonplace?”
The Gettysburg Address.
Happy birthday, Mr. President, and always know that you were much more appreciated in death than you ever were in life.
Topics: HHH |
February 12th, 2009 at 4:19 pm
It always astounds me how great men are perceived during their own time.
There have been epic failures who were beloved during their time as well as great leaders who were loathed.
February 12th, 2009 at 5:11 pm
Happy Birthday Mr. Pres, please don’t get up too many RPMs in the grave, even if you WANT to come back and kick some ass…
February 12th, 2009 at 5:38 pm
Boy oh boy, Honest Abe was born two centuries ago. Amazing. Still one of the 5 best Presidents we’ve ever had (George Washington always will be number one, and Lincoln will always be number two, in my opinion). His Presidency serves as proof that God was watching out for America during that period of our history.
Sadly, today also got me thinking of Barack Obama’s copying his ascension to the White House after Lincoln. He is, to me, the complete antithesis of our 16th President.
Anyway, one last thing of note about Lincoln: he was like Ronald Reagan in two important ways. Both were great speakers and both were down to earth men who had plenty of anecdotes and funny stories.
February 12th, 2009 at 6:25 pm
Thank you, Wyatt!
Morgan is right. Obama = Lincoln wannabe
I wonder who will break it to Obama that Lincoln was an “evil” Republican?
February 12th, 2009 at 7:00 pm
And his wisdom is needed just as much now as then. HB Abe.
February 13th, 2009 at 2:11 am
As evil as slavery is/was, I have a beef with Lincoln. Legally speaking, the Confederate states should have been able to secede. Preventing them from doing so started the centralization of the government, which led to things like the BATF and DEA. Rather than letting individuals in a given area decide to allow things, a small selection of men in Washington now gets to ban or allow things with very little input from the average citizen. The Civil War, at its root, was not about slavery. It was an issue of states’ rights. Slavery was brought into it as a way to bring the South to its knees! It is no different than bombing an enemy’s factories. A means to an end, and while the end result was good, it was done for the wrong reasons. I am glad that slavery is over (very glad. I’m 1/16 black [Jamaican], though I doubt that would mean much in such small ratio) but Lincoln’s decisions put our government on the road from small and local to “big government.” What most people don’t realize, too, is that the Republicans of that time voted not long after that to change their name to the Democrats, which is what they are called today.
February 13th, 2009 at 2:13 am
Also, I am highly caffeinated right now, so read carefully and assume good thoughts and wishes. I’m vibrating at this point, and not from any kind of toy.
February 13th, 2009 at 10:11 am
We could use another Lincoln and Reagan
February 13th, 2009 at 11:07 am
And now he’s reduced to doing commercials for some sleep aid.
February 13th, 2009 at 12:00 pm
AJ- I think it’s the Democrats who were called Republicans at first. Read below.
“The Democratic-Republican Party was founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison around 1792. Supporters usually identified themselves as Republicans,[1] but sometimes as Democrats.[2] The term “Democratic Republican” was also used by contemporaries, but mostly by the party’s opponents.[3] It was the dominant political party in the United States from 1800 to 1824, when it split into competing factions, one of which became the modern Democratic Party.”
Before Lincoln was Pres. the Republican party was called the Whig party.
February 13th, 2009 at 12:27 pm
Ah. I must have gotten my history slightly askew.
February 13th, 2009 at 3:45 pm
Sully - I wonder if people really loved Carter when he was POTUS, because he is a disgrace now.
Old NFO - Zombie Lincoln will destroy us all!
Morgan - My top three? Teddy Roosevelt, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln.
Elm - If Obama knew the reasons why Lincoln freed the slaves, he would probably be very disappointed.
Admiral - We certainly need a strong conservative voice in Washington now.
AJ - Lincoln freed the slaves primarily in an effort to win the war. It worked, and while I am sure he was proud of the Emancipation Proclamation, he would not be proud of some of Obama’s policies.
Rick - Reagan smash!
Doghouse - Terrible.
Elm - Correctamundo!