Miranda Kerr: Face Of A Virgin?
By Wyatt Earp | February 24, 2009

Lucky sand.
This hot little number is the biggest thing to hit Australia since Koala bears.
The latest person who wants to hitch a ride on the gossamer coat-tails of supermodel Miranda Kerr is none other than Virgin boss, Sir Richard Branson.
The hell raising aviation bigwig, who arrives in Australia Monday tomorrow in preparation for Friday’s inaugural flight of the VAustralia service from Sydney to Los Angeles, has the Victoria’s Secret model in his sights. He wants to name one of the seven aircraft in the VAustralia fleet after her. (H/T - FOXNews)
Yeah, I could see that. Of course, I am the type of guy who would give Miranda my credit cards, house keys, and pretty much anything else she asked me for, so I am a little biased.

Hubba Freakin' Hubba!
Topics: Babes |
February 24th, 2009 at 7:37 am
She IS the hottest thing going isn’t she?
February 24th, 2009 at 10:48 am
That’s a butterfly!
February 24th, 2009 at 12:54 pm
The etemology of the word..butterfly..is from Old English..flutter by..
She would definitely make my heart flutter if she walked by. Just as I got over the waves pounding on the shore over and over and over from the tatooed sea babe now this latest..Wyatt stop the torture!!!
February 24th, 2009 at 1:11 pm
Woody - She’s the hottest thing to come out of Australia since Nicole Kidman.
Doghouse - And I would like to catch her in my net.
Jon - Sorry, chief, but it’s what I do. Consider this blog your own personal Club Gitmo.
February 24th, 2009 at 11:20 pm
Boss, she needs a sammich. I’m afraid I’d break her in half!