SYLG’s Oscar Watch 2009
By Wyatt Earp | February 22, 2009
Okay, normally I wouldn’t give an Oscar’s arse about the Academy Awards, but I figured since a lot of people actually care about this crap, I should throw in my two bits.
(That’s thoughts, kids. Get your minds out of the gutter.)
Here is how a big, dumb guy sees tonight’s fesitivites:
1. I want to see The Dark Knight get every award for which it is nominated . . . except Best Visual Effects. I would like to see Iron Man win that one, because that film kicked ass almost as much as The Dark Knight.
2. Along those lines, I absolutely believe that Heath Ledger deserves the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor. It has nothing to do with his untimely death, but if that helps him win the award, then I’m all for it. It has everything to do with his terrific performance as The Joker in The Dark Knight. Any actor that can make me forget all about Jack Nicholson deserves to win the Academy Award.
3. Best Picture? Who cares. They all looked like they sucked.
4. Best Actress is a pickle, but is also the only reason I am posting about the Academy Awards. Both Anne Hathaway and Angelina Jolie are up for the award, and it gives me an excuse to post photos of these fabulous babes.

May the hottest one win!

Personally, I prefer Anne Hathaway (above). She’s fantastic!
Topics: Babes |
February 22nd, 2009 at 10:41 pm
yeah, Anne, definitely…
February 23rd, 2009 at 10:45 am
Between Anne and Angelina, the choice is obvious: Anne. Of course, I’m sure nobody has objections to Kate Winslet or Penelope Cruz winning the Oscars this year.
February 23rd, 2009 at 10:51 am
What about a tie?
February 23rd, 2009 at 4:06 pm
Lock me in a room with both Anne Hathaway and Angelina Jolie, wait a couple of hours, then I’ll be able to tell you who the winner is.