The Carnival Of Bauer!!!
By Wyatt Earp | February 20, 2009
It is a great honor to host The Carnival of Bauer this week, the bloodiest and most interesting blog carnival of all. You might want to ear a pair of coveralls before reading. You’ve been warned.
If you missed Monday night’s episode, fear not. V the K published his weekly TiVo Liveblog over at Blogs4Bauer. It’s chock full o’ Jacky goodness!
B4B contributor Amy V speaks of cougars and Agent Aaron Pierce. If that tag line doesn’t get you to read her submission, nothing will? Check it out.
The Magic Lamp also weighs in with a summary of the episode and great analysis. They also utilize a word never seen on a 24 post. It’s pretty damned impressive, if you ask me.
The Jack Bauer Torture Report – possibly the greatest 24 blog name . . . evah has a summary posted as well, and keeps an ongoing tabulation of kills and tortures. How can you go wrong?

Mmm . . . Chloe!
King Tom’s Kingdom called the mole early on in the season. For that he gets props. This post about the Kingdom of the Mole People also gets props. It’s a classic.
Truth v. The Machine offers its in-depth summary of this week’s extravaganza, and ponders a question about Chloe and Morris: Does the thought of Chloe and Morris raising a child horrify you? I would answer in the affirmative.
Remember the story about Robin Williams’ interest in joining the cast of 24? If I Blog It They Will Come sure does, and the folks there have never been happier! Even if you’re not a Robin Williams fan, there is a great photo along with the article. Trust me.
And last, but certainly not least, The Jack Sack has the funniest spinoff idea I have ever read. 24: DMV. Follow the cast of 24 as they spend a day at the Department of Motor Vehicles. If you don’t laugh at this, there’s something seriously wrong with you!
That concludes this edition of The Carnival of Bauer!!!. Submit your blog article to the next edition of carnival of bauer!!! using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
Topics: 24, Blogs4Bauer | 1 Comment »
February 20th, 2009 at 9:52 pm
[...] week’s Carnivale de la Bauer is over at Support Your Local Gunfighter. There’s a pic of Chloe there that is both hot and frightening. It’s frighteningly [...]