Katherine Heigl: “I’ll Stay If They’ll Have Me”
By Wyatt Earp | March 29, 2009

Unfortunately, the lovely Heigl was talking about her role on Grey’s Anatomy, and not her role as one of my fantasies.
LOS ANGELES – Katherine Heigl said Friday she’s ready to stay with “Grey’s Anatomy” and the decision rests with the show.
Attending a studio party to mark the ABC medical drama’s 100th episode, Heigl said it’s premature to think her days as Dr. Izzie Stevens are numbered.
“I was assuming that at one point and I got a lot of shrugged shoulders and shakes of the head, so I don’t know if that’s a yes or a no. No one will tell me and I don’t know how this is going to go,” Heigl said, noting series creator Shonda Rhimes’ passion for plot secrecy.
“I don’t know if I live or die. I don’t know how Izzie fares,” said the actress, who’s played the character since the show debuted in 2005.
“I’m there” if Izzie remains part of “Grey’s Anatomy,” Heigl said. She called the set “one of my favorite places to be” and said her colleagues are also friends. ()
I would also like to be her friend . . .

The missus watches this show religiously. I, however, just don’t get it. It also doesn’t help that Ellen Pompeo is weird looking and Sandra Oh is hideous. Woman has a face for radio.
Topics: Babes | 8 Comments »
March 29th, 2009 at 9:55 am
So, she trashes the writers and complains all of the time about the show (in fact, about anything she has worked on), and she expected roses? Maybe she figured out no one is beating down the door to hire her? Dumb.
March 29th, 2009 at 9:59 am
I thought she wanted out of her contract.
I never cared for the show or her.
March 29th, 2009 at 10:23 am
Ellen Pompeo is gorgeous as is Sandra Oh. They are also both very talented actresses.
March 29th, 2009 at 11:27 am
Sandra Oh has a face for Comedy (radio comedy) I saw her naked in the movie Dancing at the Blue Iuana and couldn’t figure out why she got the part. Here in the Heartland she would go out on stage and the guys would shout “Put It ON!” I never watch Grey’s Anatomy. Would start if the actresses dressed like your pictures. MUD
March 29th, 2009 at 4:26 pm
A friend of mine is a nurse and when I asked her if she watched Grey’s Anatomy, she rolled her eyes and said, “As if we had time for nooky in the hall closets!”
March 29th, 2009 at 8:10 pm
Never heard of her, but she is so fine I’ll never forget her.
March 30th, 2009 at 12:51 pm
RT – She isn’t exactly burning up Hollywood with offers.
Mrs. Crankipants – She’s attractive, but I don’t think she’s all that great an actress.
Ellenandsandrafan – Different strokes, I guess.
MUD – “Put it ON!” Bawahahahahahahaha!
Ky person – When I was in the hospital for my appendectomy, I had to clear docs and nurses out of my closet all the time! /snark
Woody – Then my work here is done.
March 30th, 2009 at 1:34 pm
I would also like to be her friend . . .
I figured you wanted to be her left hand.