Hillary Clinton Raffles Off Bill To Pay Debts
By Wyatt Earp | April 11, 2009

Noinch, noinch, noinch, smoking weed . . .
Sadly, the only people who would be interested are white trash beauty queens like Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones, and Gennifer Flowers. Considering their “vast” amount of wealth, they can bring about a total of $45.
Hillary Clinton is so eager to pay off her campaign debt, she’s resorted to selling her husband — for a day, anyway.
So, the Hill-dabeast finally found out something Bill is good at – being a whore.
The secretary of state’s long-gone presidential campaign still is trying to pay off a steep debt and has launched a new fundraising pitch urging donors to give money and compete for the chance to win one of three “exclusive prizes.”
The most exclusive prize? A day of “adventure” in the Big Apple with former President Bill Clinton.
The trip to the Free Clinic is not included, however.
“A truly once in a lifetime chance: you and a guest will spend a day with President Clinton and a weekend of fun filled adventure in New York,” the online promo says.
The other prizes are nothing to sneeze at either. One lucky winner and a guest with attend the “American Idol” season finale. The other gets a flight to Washington, D.C., for a weekend in the nation’s capital, complete with a lunch with Democratic strategists and Clinton loyalists James Carville and Paul Begala. (H/T – FOXNews)
James Carville AND Paul Begala? Somebody pinch me! Curiously enough, second prize is a thirty-minute lunch with Carville and Begala. Third prize is a two-hour lunch with The Boring Brothers.
Topics: Politics | 4 Comments »
April 11th, 2009 at 9:18 pm
It would be fun to see if you could get Carville and Begala into awkward moments of silence. Just sit and stare at them like they were crazy, and pretend to have a tick or something. Heh. Maybe even blurt out things like, “Admit it, you have a man-crush on McCain!”
See…I’d want to just make them feel uncomfortable. Nothing evil, just put them off their game.
April 11th, 2009 at 11:16 pm
I’d ask Clinton if I won how many people he ordered killed to cover up white watergate and various other things.
April 11th, 2009 at 11:41 pm
RT – Pretend you have Tourettes. That’ll fix ‘em!
Jon – Cough . . . Vince Foster . . . Cough
April 12th, 2009 at 11:49 pm
Spend the day with WJC: no thanks.
One lucky winner and a guest with attend the “American Idol” season finale: no, no, no, no, no.
The other gets a flight to Washington, D.C., for a weekend in the nation’s capital, complete with a lunch with Democratic strategists and Clinton loyalists James Carville and Paul Begala: I would rather not. It’s not because DC is a shithole but because these two anal polyps are the last people I would lunch with. I can barely stand to hear the sounds of their names.