Tyra Banks Testifies Against Stalker
By Wyatt Earp | April 30, 2009

Obviously, most stalkers are creepy, but this guy seems to go above and beyond the term.
Supermodel Tyra Banks says she feared for her safety when she learned that her accused stalker had entered the Manhattan building where she tapes her TV show.
Banks testified Wednesday at the New York trial of Brady Green. The man from Dublin, Ga., is charged with stalking her from coast to coast.
Banks says she also feared for the safety of her staff, her family and anyone else who is with her.
Defense lawyer Sydney O’Hagen says her 38-year-old client is just an overzealous fan. She says Green simply answered Banks’ Web site invitation for fans to reach out to her. (H/T - FOXNews)
Okay, this guy needs to be locked away in an asylum for the duration. I mean, he couldn’t find someone more relevant to stalk? Kidding, kidding!
And before you ask, posting pictures of Tyra does not constitute “stalking.” I reserve that privilege for Jessica Biel. Heh.

Topics: Babes |
April 30th, 2009 at 10:09 am
Dude needs to chill.
April 30th, 2009 at 11:10 am
Nothing says I love you like a court enforced restraining order.
Side note, notice how the piece of paper by itself did not keep the lunatic away. One must always be prepared to use strong measures against varmints.
April 30th, 2009 at 3:09 pm
Agreed. I wonder if Tyra knows how effective .357 Hydrashoks are at deterring a hunting stalkervarmit?
April 30th, 2009 at 4:01 pm
What about white phosphorous coated crossbow bolts with
huntingtip razor inserts? Goes thru class 1 2 or 3 then sticks and ignites in the body. That would be my choice for stalkervarmits. Unfortunately reload speed is low:(
I would have to instruct her how to use it of course.
May 1st, 2009 at 2:22 am
Real restraining orders fire real bullets.
May 2nd, 2009 at 3:29 pm
Doghouse - Dude needs a straitjacket.
Marvin - I wonder if Tyra’s security staff caries?
Raptor - If not, she should know. I’ll help her learn to shoot for free . . . if she wears a low-cut top.
Jon - Oh, but of course!
Tom - Good point.