Will Ferrell Survives Outing With Bear Grylls
By Wyatt Earp | April 16, 2009

I wonder if he drank his own urine or dined on moose testicles?
LOS ANGELES – Will Ferrell says it was a thrill to join adventurer Bear Grylls for an icy episode of Discovery Channel’s “Man vs. Wild.”
The channel said Wednesday that Ferrell and series host Grylls spent two days in Sweden’s mountains and glaciers for a “Man vs. Wild” special.
Um, no thanks. I prefer to watch Bear do stupid things rather than participate in them. Besides, if I’m in Sweden, I am looking for fabulous babes!
With Grylls as his guide, Ferrell rappelled down frozen waterfalls, scavenged for food in the forest — including reindeer eyeballs — and improvised snow shoes from saplings.
Ferrell said being part of “Man vs. Wild” was the “thrill of a lifetime.” In turn, Grylls said he did an amazing job in unforgiving conditions. (H/T – )
Yeah, but could either of them play the harmonica as well as “Survivorman” Les Stroud? Personally, I would have found it funny if Ferrell tried to insert comedy into the adventure . . . then Bear hit him over the head, gutted him, and wore his carcass as a jacket.
But that’s just me.
Topics: Coolness! | 5 Comments »
April 16th, 2009 at 12:46 pm
I’m so with you on the gutting and cooking him. Do we get to see this episode, or is it Ferrell just puffing out his chest and man grunting for his fans ?
April 16th, 2009 at 2:39 pm
Ah, so that explains… Back in the early Sixties, I bought a small paperback of grafitti the author had encountered, and wondered about this:
I love grylls!
That’s girls stupid!
What about us grylls?
April 16th, 2009 at 2:44 pm
I wonder if Will slept in a nice, cozy hotel at night just like Bear does on most shows???
Les would kick his ass.
April 16th, 2009 at 3:33 pm
“Personally, I would have found it funny if Ferrell tried to insert comedy into the adventure . . . then Bear hit him over the head, gutted him, and wore his carcass as a jacket.”
Wyatt, I’m sorry, but I would not have found that funny in the least. No, I would hunt Bear down, corner him, and thank him profusely. Finally, no more of those God-awful movies!
April 17th, 2009 at 12:29 pm
TGYDBHTM – Apparently, Discovery is airing the episode in June. I’ll keep you advised.
Teqjack – You could probably find an equal number of people who love both.
Randal – And Bear doesn’t have any bad tattoos like Les does.
Raptor – What, you didn’t like Stranger Than Fiction??? Heh.