Monica Hansen: Viking Beauty Queen
By Wyatt Earp | May 2, 2009

You gotta love Norway’s Monica Hansen: She sure knows how to speak her mind . . . and show off her curves.
She’s known across the world as one of the most bangin’ bikini babes — but Monica Hansen is no Miss Universe. After unexpectedly being crowned Miss Norway in 1997 (she was entered into the competition by a friend as a joke) Hansen didn’t go on to compete in the now Donald Trump-owned pageant. Even though the Miss Universe Organization reportedly told her it was too late to drop out after she explained the situation, Hansen was struck down by a not-so-healthy gall bladder.
“Beauty pageants bring out the best and worst in women: on one hand they enhance already high level of cattiness women are known for, on the other hand they sure help the contestants to overcome their shyness, improve self-esteem and unleash the go-getter in each of them,” Hansen told Tarts in an exclusive interview. “But overall I view pageants as a bit silly - yet one can’t discount the entertainment factor.” (And based on the whirlwind two weeks surrounding Miss California’s controversial gay marriage response at Miss USA, that’s an understatement).
Speaking of understatements, Hansen throws out a doozy here:
“The modeling industry is very sexist.”
Um, ya think?!!! Thank you, Captain Obvious!
“I am not a heavy drinker by nature, but I grew up in Norway where women and men don’t just drink to get drunk, but until you pass out,” Hansen added. “I can for sure handle a few drinks with no problems, and I can sure drink a few guys under the table …” (H/T - FOXNews)
That sounds like a challenge. Vincent Antonelli, line ‘em up!

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