Bachelor Party!!!
By Wyatt Earp | June 20, 2009

If we're too loud, maybe this officer will come for us!
I was listening to a rock ‘n’ roll station on my way over here, you know to put me in the mood. There was a passage in one of those trifle songs, that I feel, well, is the keynote of this evening: “Everybody have fun tonight. Everybody Wang Chung tonight.” – Dr. Frasier Crane, Cheers.
By the time you read this, I may already be drunk.
Today is the long-awaited, much-anticipated bachelor party for my good friend, The Badger. He and Jenn the Librarian will be taking the matrimonial plunge in a few short weeks, so we really need to send him off with a great event, or sclerosis of the liver – whatever works.
The daylong festivities actually began early this morning with a small golf outing before the gang headed to Philadelphia Park for horse racing and gambling. Sadly, I missed this part of the itinerary because some of us have to work on weekends. I should be catching up with the group either at the end of the Philly Park excursion, or at Vincent Antonelli’s house, depending upon how long it takes me to get home from work and changed into drinking clothes.
Considering Badger’s tolerance – on intolerance – to shots, he may not even be conscious by the time I arrive. Oh well, that just means more Guinness for the rest of us! Whoo hoo!
Unfortunately for me, I also have to work tomorrow morning. That 0530 wake up call is going to come really fast.
Topics: Al-key-hol, My Idiot Friends | 4 Comments »
June 20th, 2009 at 6:35 pm
Enjoy! And tell him cograts for me… IF he’s still awake
June 20th, 2009 at 7:52 pm
Hope you all have a great time!
June 20th, 2009 at 11:33 pm
Have fun and take lot’s of pictures. You can blackmailing him onto mowing your lawn for decades if you do it right.
June 22nd, 2009 at 8:46 pm
Old NFO – Fell asleep at 8:30pm. Ha!
RT – Well, everyone but the groom to be!
Woody – I thought about it, but that damned conscience kicked in.