Hate Mail O’ The Week
By Wyatt Earp | July 24, 2009
This week’s entry comes from “Mel,” who (after this comment) is now in the running for moron of the year.
Mel decided to chime in on the very timely post entitled, “ACORN Invades Philadelphia.” A post which was written four and a half months ago! Why do these idiots always submit their hate mail too late for anyone to see it?
Anyway, here is her comment, printed in its entirety and completely unedited. You may want to grab a roll of duct tape and a red pen for grammatical corrections. Enjoy!
So I just stumbled on to this “site”… and though I’d post a comment.
I live and work in Philly, I don’t care for ACORN or the present and prior mayor of the city…
But I do support any reasonable effort to get monies owed to the city into its coffers. The stadium and all of the infrastructure around it was paid for by city residents who live there- not by the idiots in the burbs or Jersey who complain about the city.
And honesty life under Obama’s thumb?
I’m better off now than I was under nixon, regan, bush the first, and clinton… so keep it up whatever it is you do here , ‘cos we all need to laugh at you taking advantage of your limited free speech no matter how sophomoric it is. God Bless America! Land of welfare for the culturally ignorant and money hungry!
God, I really love this blog. If anyone else gets hate mail this good, I would like to see it. Okay, here are my responses to this bimbo, addressed by paragraph:
Paragraph #1 – Mel, few people stumble onto this site. SYLG has earned 645,000 hits in four years, and averages over 1,000 visits a day. Nice try, though. I like how you call it a “site” and use the parentheses, although they are not needed. This website is genuine, and fulfills the dictionary definition as such.
Oh, you probably “thought” you’d post a comment. Grammar/spell check is a wonderful thing.
You can read the rest under the fold:
Paragraph #2 – It only took two paragraphs to show Melly to be a liar. Her IP Address shows she was posting from Hillsborough, New Jersey, which is closer to Manhattan than Philly. So, the chances that she lives and works in Philadelphia are slim.
And she doesn’t care for ACORN or Philly’s last two mayors? Uh-huh. Sure. On the plus side, this broad didn’t have any grammatical errors in this paragraph. Good for you, Mel!
Paragraph #3 – I agree that monies owed the city should be paid – by everyone, not just rich, white folks. I said as much in the original article. Mello then goes on to insinuate that I am somehow an “idiot in the burbs or Jersey.” As a Philadelphia police detective, I live and work here – that’s easily proven. Mel? Not so much.
Again, no grammatical or spelling errors. Two in a row, Shakespeare!
Paragraph #4 – Okay, that’s not a paragraph. It’s a sentence fragment, but I’ll let it slide. I’m cool like that. And yes, I had that quote at the top of the page. Socialized health care – which Obama will force all of us to join – and crippling taxes – which Obama will force us to pay – are examples of being under his thumb.
You forgot a comma after “honestly,” though. Almost had the hat trick.
Paragraph #5 – Melvina, the first sentence is a grammatical abortion. Luckily, you Lefties love murdering babies, so I guess that’s right up your alley. The first sentence is an absolute lie. With this collapsing economy, you are in no way better off now than you were under Reagan or Clinton. I see you forgot George W. Bush in your list, though, so I guess you were better off under him. Good for you!
As far as what I do here, I try to entertain people by posting comments from trolls. You ma’am, will be responsible for today’s entertainment, so I should be thanking you. As for the limited free speech crack, you’re right: under Obama’s thumb, a lot of people may have their free speech rights severely curtailed. Remember that when you cannot leave dopey comments on a very popular blog anymore.
God Bless America? Finally, we agree on something! Welfare? Nah, not so much. I work very hard at what I do, and with the amount of overtime I receive for taking the scum off the streets, I could probably buy and sell your whole family. So, yes, I am probably money hungry. God bless capitalism! Culturally ignorant? I speak passable Spanish, and have worked in North Philadelphia (a primarily African American and Asian neighborhood) for five years, and Kensington (a primarily Latino neighborhood) for six years. As George Costanza would say, “I have culture out the ying yang!”
Oh, and proper names are capitalized, you dope – and you misspelled “Reagan.”
So, in closing, I would like to say thank you, Mel, for your comment. It will now be transported to the SYLG Hall of Records, where your idiocy will be displayed for eternity. For you see, when you post something on the Internet, it is there forever.
Topics: Hate Mail | 15 Comments »
July 24th, 2009 at 8:40 pm
God Bless America! Land of welfare for the culturally ignorant and money hungry!
Was Melvina writing an autobiography here?
July 24th, 2009 at 9:17 pm
“taking advantage of your limited free speech”
Well, they did hit the nail on the head with that one. Free speech will be the next right the great and powerful O tries to yank out from under us.
(must be nice to get hate mail, the only thing I get is spam
July 24th, 2009 at 9:50 pm
Hate mail and idiot libbers, more fun than *Whack-A-Mole*…
July 24th, 2009 at 10:33 pm
just another shining example of the .
July 25th, 2009 at 12:21 am
I don’t know, Wyatt. My latest hate mail calling me a whore for posting a picture of my feet was pretty loony. At least my loon chose a fairly recent post to comment on.
It takes your loons several months to come up with what they feel is a fitting reply I guess.
July 25th, 2009 at 1:53 am
Man you get all of the loons.
July 25th, 2009 at 3:09 am
Ever notice how every moonbat’s comment or email always starts with: “I happened to stumble upon this site/blog…”?
I always read that line as “I was looking to argue points someone else told me to say and I found your blog…”
July 25th, 2009 at 3:36 am
Well her opinions are entertaining. A look at life from the other side.
July 25th, 2009 at 9:27 am
Jersey is the armpit of america.
Support the removal of Jersey from the US.
July 25th, 2009 at 9:50 am
How do you find the stuff 4 months old? With me, it is fire and forget when I write it. I love to read the comments but I write on my blog for me and if they comment it is a bonus. I have been fortunate to prosper under each President in spite of what they did. My success is based on a good educations, following the rules and working hard. I refuse to participate in this round of recession and will continue to save for the rainy days we have in front of us. I can’t wait to see what the media will report when our utilities go up next year. Cap and trade will be the biggest tax increase eva’ MUD
July 25th, 2009 at 12:25 pm
Wow, you really hit a nerve. Good for you and keep it up. Don’t even need a laugh track with your website.
July 25th, 2009 at 2:34 pm
Insol – I was asking myself the same thing. Me thinks she doth protest too much.
E.L. – I don’t ask for the hate mail, but I get it anyway.
Fred – It’s like Whack-A-Toad.
Smite – Duct tape, stat!
Snigs – A whore for posting a photo of your feet? Was the commenter a Muslim?
Rick – I am a psycho magnet, I suppose.
Chris – It’s like the Rush listeners who call in to bitch. “I never listen to the show, but . . . “
Admiral – The other side of sanity.
Moe – I’m not going to impugn an entire state . . . until after we get back from the shore in late August.
MUD – When a new poster comments, it has to be approved, and sits in the pending column. I didn’t post a ridiculously racist post from someone named “Black is Beautiful.” She had some very disturbing views of “Crackers.” (Her words, not mine.)
MeToo – Like I always say, I’m not talented enough to make this stuff up.
July 25th, 2009 at 3:58 pm
Damn, Wyatt, you’re a nut magnet. When you retire from the P.D., you ought to consider going to work for Planters.
July 25th, 2009 at 11:48 pm
Hell, I ’stumbled’ on this site via a link from the anti idiotarian rottweiler.
I also ’stumbled’ on balloon-juice.com from a link on AIR.
The proprietor of balloon-juice used to be a huge Bush conservative, but he had a change of heart and is now a liberal Democrat.
Much like myself, though I differ from the standard issue liberal on issues such as 2A rights and balanced budgets.
I guess what I’m saying is that intelligent people no matter what their ideological stripe can agree to ‘respectfully disagree’ and remain civil to each other.
July 26th, 2009 at 5:06 am
Wyatt: You have the best trolls ever !!!! I’m so jealous. My trolls don’t even leave names. I don’t post anon comments so I get screwed. (did I spell that right ?) God my grammer mistakes must drive you mad. Never could figure out where the comma goes. And as for being a Philly girl relocated to the Burbs – I think I take offense to her comment. Oh, and any idiot knows you have to live in the city to be a cop in the city. What an ass ! I sure hope this chick is older because if this is what the future generation is going to contribute, it’s a scary thing.