Go Ahead, Make My Day
By Wyatt Earp | August 4, 2009

If I may take a page from the movie “Ghostbusters,” this story can best be described this way: “Ray, if someone asks you to shoot him, you say YES!“
DURHAM, North Carolina – “Shoot me. Shoot me. You’ll love it.” Teenager Alvaro Castillo dared a deputy sheriff to shoot him minutes after Castillo opened fire at his former high school. It’s a tragic, frightening and sad story that emerged from opening statements and the first witnesses at Castillo’s first-degree murder, assault and weapons trial in Hillsborough, North Carolina.
Testimony continues Tuesday morning. Castillo is charged with murdering his father, Alvaro Castillo, just a few hours before opening fire at Orange High School. He left a note next to his father’s body that read: “Sorry I had to sacrifice him.” Police recovered more writings and recordings of Castillo that showed his fascination with the 1999 Columbine school massacre and other mass shootings.
It was 1:00 p.m. on August 30, 2006. Students were outdoors eating lunch at picnic tables. Castillo, 18 at the time, had graduated from Orange High the year before. He drove a van into the lot near the students, detonated something that created popping sounds and smoke, and then grabbed a rifle that witnesses mistook for an assault rifle. He pointed the rifle in the air, fired three times, then lowered it, pointed in the direction of the students and fired.
But liberal idiots like former Philly Mayor John Street thought the idea of armed police officers inside some of the worst city high schools was stupid.
Inside the school, Andrew Hunt was frighteningly close to the spot where a bullet penetrated a window. He was spared serious injury though shards of glass cut his shoulder. Another student, Tiffany Utsman, was grazed by a bullet but, fortunately, no one was killed. The whole incident took about two minutes.
Deputy Sheriff London Ivey was assigned to Orange High School as its resource officer. He drew his weapon and ordered Castillo to drop his. Castillo complied and lay face-down on the ground. That’s when Castillo dared Ivey to shoot him, but Ivey told Castillo that he didn’t want to kill him. Aided by a retired highway patrol officer who taught drivers education, Ivey restrained Castillo until more police arrived. (H/T – CNN)
A man comes at you with a loaded weapon and you don’t fire? I’m not condemning Ivey’s actions, but Hell man, that’s a freebie! Deputy Ivey is a better man than I.
Topics: The Job | 6 Comments »
August 4th, 2009 at 8:40 pm
I’m not saying I know you in any way Wyatt, but I think you wouldn’t do a coldblood. But..If you were like me I would egg him on to try to pick up the rifle again. I was involved in one shooting, we caught the bad guy, shots fired..mine. We then had him standing up with hands on top of a car and a good thing he wasn’t looking at me because my hands started shaking like I was riding a mechanical bull while we were waiting for the police to arrive. guess it was good I didnt egg him on to go for
his gun again since I would have hit every last bystander too. LOL
August 4th, 2009 at 8:52 pm
I am glad I am never put in those situations. I don’t know how I would do.
August 4th, 2009 at 11:42 pm
Agreed, that was obviously a close call, in more ways than one… Thankfully no one was seriously hurt in the school…
August 5th, 2009 at 9:20 am
how do we keep missing the signs these young adults must be leaving? How can you live with someone and not know they are half a bubble off? Our society is going to hell in a handbasket as my mom would say.
August 5th, 2009 at 3:08 pm
Some public high schools in the ’70s were so bad, the armored truck guys wouldn’t go in without backup.
August 5th, 2009 at 5:08 pm
Sounds like a first class professional job. Well done the cops!