I (Don’t) Want My OTV
By Wyatt Earp | August 1, 2009

Okay, no matter which side of the political aisle you fall upon, you’ll think this story is pretty funny.
A 78-year-old Carroll woman says she’s so tired of seeing President Barack Obama on the airwaves that she’s selling her television sets – two of them.
Deloris Nissen, a retired nurses’ aide and former Kmart employee who was raised on a farm near Audubon, placed a classified advertisement with The Daily Times Herald for Friday’s paper.
In the $5.50 ad, Nissen tells readers she has two television sets for sale.
The reason: “Obama on every channel and station.”
I’m sorry, but this is funny primarily because it is completely true. The man is omnipresent.
In an interview Nissen said she is serious about selling two TVs – and genuine about her disgust with what she believes to be an overexposed president.
“I just got tired of watching him on every channel,” Nissen said. “I thought, my gosh, does he ever stay at the White House? (H/T – Daily Times Herald)
No Ms. Nissen, not really. This would story would never fly if a 20-something kid tried it, but the fact that a woman that lived through the end of the Great Depression and World War II is doing it speaks volumes. People like Deloris Nissen were just tougher then, and not at all shy in speaking their mind.
Good for her.
Topics: Politics | 2 Comments »
August 1st, 2009 at 1:32 pm
We now interrupt this blog to give you more Obama.
Obama, Obama, Obama…hey.
August 2nd, 2009 at 2:24 am
Thank G-d we don’t get that prick 24X7 in the Netherlands.