Erik’s 2009 Soccer Debut
By Wyatt Earp | September 21, 2009

Erik, in the center, getting ready for the first tap.
Usually when I post about soccer here, the subject is my 8-year old, Kyle. Today is my 5-year old, Erik’s day. He began his 2009 season at Philadelphia Soccer Club on Saturday, after two practices and one game were rained out. To say he was anxious to hit the field is an understatement.
Erik’s coach did a really good job keeping the kids focused, which was a little difficult at times for Erik. He knows how to play, but I think he was feeling out the whole scene early on. He would chase down a ball, then pause, think a second, and start running again. Since he hasn’t played a real game in a year, he is still getting his soccer legs. That being said, he can still kick a ton for a little kid, as you can see here:
Notice the “happy feet” before the kick?
Of course, it wouldn’t be Erik if he didn’t want to follow in his big brother’s footsteps. He asked his coach if he could play goalie. The coach rotated people in and out of the net, and Erik got his chance after halftime. He faced only one shot, but that was a story in itself.
A really chubby kid on the other team was playing head and shoulders above everyone else. The kid was a moose, and he already had two goals in the game. The kid stole the ball and came in all alone on Erik’s left side. Erik moved to cover the post when the kid shot. He kicked the ball so hard that when Erik tried to stop it, the ball pushed him sideways and into the goal. Point: Fat kid.
After the game Erik was a little upset at not saving that shot, even though his team tied, 4-4. I explained that since Erik weighs about 10 pounds, there was no way he was stopping that shot, and that having fun was the most important thing. He agreed, and can’t wait until practice on Wednesday.
Topics: The Boys, Video | 8 Comments »
September 21st, 2009 at 9:15 am
Enjoy your boys while you can. You are making memories. Mine are 17 and 14. They’re growing up fast but I’m not ready for them to leave. Oh well, life goes on.
I remember a game on Ft. Leavenworth where they played between the airfield runway and train tracks. It was hilarious to watch all the 5 year old players stop to watch a plane take off. They almost ran off the field to watch the train go by. Enjoy.
Respectfully, Robin
September 21st, 2009 at 9:16 am
He’s the Fred Astaire of the soccer field!
An eight second video, are you saying that your readers have short attention spans?
September 21st, 2009 at 11:05 am
Another life lession learned. You and the missus are bringing up great little Americans. Good job and the happy feet are just an added bonus!
September 21st, 2009 at 3:58 pm
Robin – Kyle and Erik play next to a small airport. Kyle, who plays goal, always looks at the jets taking off. I have to scream, “Kyle! Watch the game!” at least once a day.
Mrs. Crankipants – No, I am saying that our very old digital camera has limited memory. Looking into a new one – and a new desktop, as this one is more than 5 years old and slow as molasses.
MeToo – You should see him play Wii. He jumps up and down from start to finish.
September 21st, 2009 at 5:40 pm
(I stopped a ball kicked square at my stomach by Brett Boone…knocked me on my butt.)
September 21st, 2009 at 11:20 pm
That’s great Wyatt! Good on him for playing defense too!
September 22nd, 2009 at 10:37 am
I used to love watching my nieces play soccer when they were younger than 7.
It always reminded me of the Bugs Bunny cartoon with the pack of dogs running every which way.
Every now and then one kid would fall out, the parent would go, brush it off and send it back in.
The goalies spent most of their time chasing butterflies.
I didn’t even realize they kept score. It was just so funny to watch.
September 22nd, 2009 at 12:29 pm
RT – Cool, you were injured by a celebrity!
Old NFO – Both he and Kyle like playing defense.
Veeshir – Agreed. And when a plane takes off, it’s basically a time out.