Jessica Simpson Is Losing It
By Wyatt Earp | September 22, 2009

And unfortunately, “it” is not her clothes. Heh.
After losing her beloved Maltipoo Daisy to a coyote attack, Jessica Simpson may be at the lowest point of her life, friends fear.
“Daisy was her baby,” one of them told PEOPLE. “It’s going to put her into a tailspin. It will put her into the worst place ever.”
Daisy was snatched away by a coyote before Simpson’s very eyes in Los Angeles last week, and, despite Simpson’s refusal to quit searching and offer of a reward, no sign has been seen of the caramel-colored dog.
“She won’t leave her parents’ house,” a source said.
“Whenever things went wrong for Jessica, she reached for Daisy,” another source, a friend, said. “Daisy was her security blanket. When people let her down, she always had Daisy.” (H/T – CNN)
Um, honey? It’s a freakin’ dog. Buy a new one and move on with your life. I’m a dog guy and even I know that. Take some time to mourn and remember your friend, but after a week or so you should be back to life as usual – which could contain correspondence with a certain Philadelphia blogger.
I’m just sayin’.
Topics: Babes | 14 Comments »
September 22nd, 2009 at 4:10 pm
Homineee hominneee
September 22nd, 2009 at 5:09 pm
Her friends should get her another dog, any dog- german shepherd, Jack Russell terrier, poodle- and tell her that they found her dog! She’d never know the difference.
September 22nd, 2009 at 5:16 pm
Dear Coyotees, please don’t eat the Daisy.
Signed Jessica.
This is SoCal, isn’t there a feed the Coyotes foundation or somthing around there? Someone to advocate for the rights of the coyote to eat? PETA? Anyone?
Buy her a dog that’s bigger than a coyote and move on.
September 22nd, 2009 at 5:52 pm
I wouldn’t be surprised if my dog came home with a coyote in her mouth.
Actually, the coyotes in my area are kinda devious. They send down a lone female in heat and lure a male dog up into the woods where the rest lie in wait.
Needless to say, everyone around here either has one hell of a fenced yard or they only buy very large dogs.
September 22nd, 2009 at 5:56 pm
Daisy was snatched away by a coyote before Simpson’s very eyes in Los Angeles last week, and, despite Simpson’s refusal to quit searching and offer of a reward, no sign has been seen of the caramel-colored dog.
She should focus the search amongst the coyote turds. I don’t think caramel-colored fur should be that tough to identify and if Daisy had a tag that may have passed as well.
Next time, walk your dog with a shotgun or an M4.
September 22nd, 2009 at 6:21 pm
This is the typical mentality of Hollywood entertainers, yet we are supposed to listen when they give their opinion on foreign relations or our health care system. Just amazing that we put so much stock in anything these mental midgets say.
September 22nd, 2009 at 9:55 pm
Uhh…bad idea there, Jason. Are you sure you’re OK with the idea of Jessica Simpson, the very illustration of the phrase “dumb blonde,” stalking the streets of LA with a loaded twelve-gauge?
Although if she’s looking for revenge…hunters I know say good things about Hevi-Shot’s new “Dead Coyote” shotgun ammo, which is specifically intended for the anti-coyote mission…
September 22nd, 2009 at 10:33 pm
1st she lost Tony Homo and then Daisy…
Poor Jessica…
September 22nd, 2009 at 10:57 pm
yes.. giving her a loaded weapon, not good. This is a girl that thought chicken of the sea tuna was chicken.
honey, get a much bigger dog and stop using pooches as accessories.
September 22nd, 2009 at 11:05 pm
AJ – Dumb broads are hot!
Mrs. Crankipants – Funniest comment o’ the day!
WalterC – A great dane may do the trick.
Kaveman – New idea: Dogs wearing IEDs.
Jason – Or with its own Secret Service detail.
Ingineer66 – And now Hollywood brains like Will Ferrell are touting ObamaCare. *gag*
Wes S. – Photo of Jessica carrying a weapon? Hot. Jessica actually carrying a weapon? Not so much.
TexasFred – Imagine how focused Tony will be this year.
TBB – And start using ME as an accessory. What?
September 23rd, 2009 at 12:00 am
yeah seriously, get a real dog… like the 80lbs+ sized ones.
…that and leave LA.. well California in general. Maybe if you were in an American state, you coulda shot that coyote right then and there. …or again if you had a real dog, that wouldn’t even have been necessary, as the pooch woulda brought you home a little hunting present.
September 23rd, 2009 at 12:14 am
Jesus! I’ll be her lap dog…
Sit in her lap, sniff her crotch, hump her leg, etc., etc….
Although, I am also a 47 year old perv.
September 23rd, 2009 at 9:07 am
I’m thinking if she meets a guy with back hair and snuggles up, she’ll probably call him Daisy and things will be fine.
September 23rd, 2009 at 12:56 pm
Smite – I thought because of the CA economy they couldn’t afford coyotes anymore!
Teetop – I’m only a 40-year old one.
MeToo – Scary, but possible.