Miss Singapore World Resigns
By Wyatt Earp | October 4, 2009

And people thought the Chicago IOC snub was a big story? This is huge! I mean, it’s not just Miss Singapore. It’s Miss Singapore WORLD!!!
SINGAPORE – Beauty queen Miss Singapore World has given up her crown after it emerged that she had stolen credit cards to go on a shopping spree for lingerie. Ris Low had come under public pressure to be stripped of her 2009 title, after local media reported she stole seven credit cards last year while working at a medical clinic, buying goods worth about S$8,000 ($5,662) including gold anklets and phones.
Organizers of the pageant ERM World Marketing said she had resigned Tuesday of her own accord. She will no longer represent Singapore at the Miss World finals to be held in South Africa in December, but her replacement has not yet been decided.
Low had also been criticized for her poor English, mispronouncing “bikini” in a recent video, leading others in multicultural Singapore to spring to her defense and soul-searching on websites about the national character. (H/T – )
I’m sorry, but how the frak does a beauty pageant winner mispronounce “bikini?” She should have resigned over that itself.
Topics: Babes | 7 Comments »
October 4th, 2009 at 8:12 pm
Just because they are pretty, doesn’t mean they have two brain cells to rub together…
October 4th, 2009 at 8:33 pm
Here, I thought it was because she was really man. It would be kind of funny if that happened.
October 4th, 2009 at 9:03 pm
Lingerie? I heard it was chewing gum.
October 4th, 2009 at 10:05 pm
Don’t they flog people for that sort of thing in Singapore?
I think she’ll need something to bite down that’s more resilient than gum in the very near future…
October 5th, 2009 at 9:41 am
From what I can tell, no big loss for Singapore.
October 5th, 2009 at 12:27 pm
Old NFO – I am that rare person who has brains and beauty.
RT – No, those are confined to African sprinters.
Mrs. Crankipants – And nail polish!
Wes S. – Like a state-afforded bullet.
MeToo – It doesn’t seem that way. Singapore could do better.
October 6th, 2009 at 7:00 pm
well if she’s got once brain cell even, she’s probably doing better off than Paris or Lindsey.