It’s My Party, And I’ll Crash If I Want To
By Wyatt Earp | December 6, 2009

By now, you all have heard about Michaele and Tareq Salahi. They are the two morons who thought it would be a lark to crash the White House State Dinner last week. As if crashing a diplomatic event was something to brag about. Personally, I’d rather crash an event at the Playboy Mansion, but I guess the Salahis have different priorities than I do. Oh well.
These knuckleheads are the subject of this week’s Family Security Matters article. Here’s a sample:
The popular film Wedding Crashers glamorizes the lives of two ne’er do wells who spend their summer showing up to weddings uninvited. The stars research the event, use fake names, and pretend to be distant relatives of the celebrants in order to cash in on free food, free booze, and free female “companionship.” Sounds like just another Saturday night at John Edwards’ house. The film peaks when the stars crash the high-profile wedding of the Treasury Secretary’s daughter, a seemingly impossible task where thrills are the ultimate reward.
The movie is a comedy, because the entire premise is so over the top. No one would be crazy enough to crash an event held by a powerful politician, right?
Wrong. Last week, a Virginia couple crashed a White House state dinner in honor of the prime minister of India. Michaele and Tareq Salahi were not on the guest list, but brazenly passed through a Secret Service screening and attended the gala unmolested. After the story broke, everyone asked the same question: Why would the Salahis do such a thing?
You can read the rest of the funny goodness by clicking here.
Topics: FSM | 3 Comments »
December 6th, 2009 at 11:45 am
Would have gone undetected until they made the ballzy request for a doggy bag and no.2, brilliant Joe Biden, knew they did not have a dog. Bad part that was before he had his picture taken with them. Joe is not known for keeping too much in his head.
December 6th, 2009 at 6:42 pm
Crusty – But, but, he has a very high IQ. He said so!
December 7th, 2009 at 11:16 am
Wyatt, as usually Joe’s confused he thinks IQ. is his cholesterol count