Mary Carey Denied Wingette Status
By Wyatt Earp | January 29, 2010

What’s a Wingette, you ask? It’s a broad who serves as “entertainment” during the annual Wing Bowl in Philadelphia. For those of you outside the area, the Wing Bowl is a chicken wing eating contest hosted by local sports-talk idiot Angelo Cataldi. White trash morons compete in the contest, while the slobs parade around showing off their pink parts – or close to it. It’s not exactly a high-class event, but it’s always a treat to see the photos afterward.
You would think that with so many slobs running around, WIP wouldn’t mind one more. Apparently I was wrong. Captain America brought this story to my attention, and the irony is more delicious than any chicken wing:
Last week we told you how excited Mary Carey was to be debuting as a Wingette in the Wing Bowl on Feb. 5 at the Wachovia Center.
But Chris Weinerman, a co-owner of the World Famous Gold Club (1416 Chancellor), where Carey dances Feb. 3-6, says 610 WIP has since told him Carey cannot be a Wingette because she’s been in hardcore films.
Now WIP gets a conscience? Not bloody likely. Thankfully, the people at The Philadelphia Daily News aren’t buying this tripe.
Really? Because Katie Morgan, a hardcore actress who hosts HBO’s “Sex Tips” and who is at Cheerleaders (Front & Oregon) next week, is slated to be a Wing-ette, as are Alektra Blue and Kaylani Lei, both hardcore stars, who will be there for Delilah’s (100 Spring Garden).

Like I said, it’s fun for the whole family. /snark. Bring your dollar bills, guys, because even if your favorite glutton doesn’t win, you can probably still see a “happy ending.”
Weinerman says Corey Purcell of WIP’s marketing department told him that those clubs had spent more money in advertising on the station than he did and that maybe Carey could serve as a Wingette if he spent more.
WIP denies this, of course, but I think they’re full of crap. Follow the money, folks, and I’m sure it’ll lead to the radio station’s “Department of Shakedowns.”
By the way, how funny is it that the owner of the strip club is named “Weinerman?”
Topics: Babes | 8 Comments »
January 29th, 2010 at 7:36 am
The Philadelphia Daily News, hard hitting journalism-
on life support.
(BTW, for all you male readers, there’s a nip-slip in the photo that accompanies Dan Gross’ article.)
January 29th, 2010 at 9:19 am
Hey, but Snooki will be there!
January 29th, 2010 at 12:14 pm
Mrs. Crankipants – Yeah, I didn’t post that one. Even I have limits.
Randal – Will they delouse the arena afterward?
January 29th, 2010 at 1:51 pm
Now that is a Soap Opera of unusual proportions!
January 29th, 2010 at 2:54 pm
I didn’t think the DN would stoop that low.
I was wrong.
January 29th, 2010 at 3:54 pm
Glenn – Yeah, I think they’re a “DD.”
Mrs. Crankipants – Yep. They’re desperate for readership.
January 29th, 2010 at 11:44 pm
A guy named WIENERMAN owns a strip club? Does anyone in Philly grok “irony”?
Now that I think about it….probably not.
January 31st, 2010 at 11:01 pm
I hope you’re not on DUI duty near Wing Bowl. You’ll be awfully busy if you are…. and could you please bust Howard Eskin on general principles?????? Please!!!!!!!