Humpday History Highlight
By Wyatt Earp | June 2, 2010

June 2, 1935 – Babe Ruth Retires
On this day in 1935, Babe Ruth, one of the greatest players in the history of baseball, ends his Major League playing career after 22 seasons, 10 World Series and 714 home runs.
Ruth made his Major League debut as a left-handed pitcher with the Red Sox in July 1914 and pitched 89 winning games for the team before 1920, when he was traded to the New York Yankees. In New York, Ruth’s primary position changed to outfielder and he led the Yankees to seven American League pennants and four World Series victories. Ruth was a huge star in New York and attracted so many fans that the team was able to open a new stadium in 1923, Yankee Stadium, dubbed “The House That Ruth Built.”
Many of the records Ruth set remained in place for decades. His career home run record stood until 1974, when it was broken by Hank Aaron. Ruth’s record of 60 home runs in a single season (1927) of 154 games wasn’t bested until 1961, when Roger Maris knocked out 61 homers in an extended season of 162 games. The Sultan of Swat’s career slugging percentage of .690 remains the highest in Major League history.
I don’t care how many of his records are broken. In my mind, Babe Ruth is the greatest baseball player in history.
Topics: HHH | 11 Comments »
June 2nd, 2010 at 9:07 pm
1. I love the Humpday History Highlights. (Keep ‘em comin’ Wyatt !)
2. I am a HUGE Yankee fan ( And, no, I’m not talkin’ bout my waistline….although I had to convert to the metric system in order to maintain my 31 waist.)
3. That said, in my opinion the BEST player in Major League History is a four way tie among The Babe, Hank Aaron, Willie Mays (who spent 2 years in the Army) and finished with 660 HRs) and Ted Williams, who spent ALL or parts of SIX seasons as a Marine Corps Fighter Pilot in WWII and the Korean Conflict and finished with 521 HRs. And he wasn’t a “Home Run Hitter”
3A. Williams’ last hit was a home run.
3B. Williams once crash landed a jet plane during combat.
4. Mays and Aaron both played in the Negro Leagues before being called up to the Majors.
5. Keep ‘em coming, Wyatt.
June 2nd, 2010 at 9:08 pm
JT – I’m a Yankee fan, too, and I’ll be making my first trip to the new stadium on Friday, June 11th. Can. Not. Wait!
June 2nd, 2010 at 9:39 pm
The new Stadium.
It seems sacrilegious, somehow, in view of the history of the old stadium.
But, I reckon that’s progress.
I looked at the calender and on June 11, I’m gonna be having a tooth pulled.
Or, more accurately, a root pulled, as I snapped off a cap.
This is gonna suck.
Especially after the novacain wears off.
D’ya think you can coax Paul O’Neill outta retirement to hit TWO home runs for me ?
Have fun.
Tell the new stadium I said hello.
June 2nd, 2010 at 10:08 pm
JT – I’ve been to the old stadium – in 2001 – so the new one will be a joy to behold. Mmm . . . Nathan’s hot dogs!
June 3rd, 2010 at 12:46 am
Ruth was one of the great ones, no question…
June 3rd, 2010 at 8:17 am
JT feel for you just had a root pulled an eye tooth and it did not want to come out a long one as well my trouble is as i get older i seem to be suffering from split roots,damn i hate getting older.
June 3rd, 2010 at 9:22 am
He would have it 1000 home runs if he didn’t have a daily hangover. LOL
June 3rd, 2010 at 12:14 pm
Old NFO – He’s the reason I follow the Yankees.
ajdshootist – Does not sound like fun at all.
Danny – Ruth did it on hot dogs and beer. Bonds and McGuire? Not so much.
June 3rd, 2010 at 9:39 pm
ajdshootist – Yeah, my teeth aren’t the greatest, either.
I’ve been through this a coupla times before.
Here’s what’s gonna happen…..
My dentist is gonna mess around,n and snap off a coupla pieces.
Then, sweating and breathing heavily, he’ll say….
“it’s alright, it’s alright”.
Then he goes in the back room and brings out these instruments that aren’t quite as shiny as his everyday ones.
June 3rd, 2010 at 9:53 pm
Thank God for novacaine.
When I was a little kid, they didn’t give ya novacaine when they drilled and filled your teeth.
At least MY dentist didn’t.
A coupla years ago, my dentist wanted to “touch up” a tooth and asked if he could do it without giving me a shot.
I said “sure, go ahead”.
After all, I did it when I was a little kid, right ?
He started drilling and I went……. “YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH”.
As he prepared my shot, I sat dumbfounded, thinking…
“Jeepers. I musta been a pretty tough kid”.
June 3rd, 2010 at 11:16 pm
Babe Ruth will not only remain the greatest baseball player of all time, but the greatest sports player of all time, in my opinion.