18 Killed In German Love Parade
By Wyatt Earp | July 25, 2010

Oh my God!
Crowds of people streaming into a techno music festival surged through an already jammed entry tunnel on Saturday, setting off a panic that killed 18 people and injured 80 at an event meant to celebrate love and peace.
The circumstances of the stampede at the famed Love Parade festival in Duisburg in western Germany were still not clear even hours after the chaos, but it appeared that some or most of the 18 had been crushed to death.
Authorities also suggested that some of the people killed or injured might have attempted to flee the crowd by jumping over a barrier and falling several meters (yards). Witnesses described a desperate scene, as people piled up on each other or scrambled over others who had fallen in the crush.
Despite the snarkasm above, this is a terrible story. I guess the only question I have is why the Hell would the crowd be herded into a tunnel? It’s just a recipe for disaster.
Topics: Snarkasm | 3 Comments »
July 26th, 2010 at 7:08 am
I’m certain technoviking survived. There’s just no way he didn’t. I generally hate crowds anyway, but I actually went to a concert where I saw people get trampled and it’s not pretty. Everyone was pushing toward the front on an open lawn and the people in front got trampled. I even told my wife “let’s not move backwards, this place isn’t safe” and we stayed clear.
It seems our public safety is so good generally that people lose sight of common sense and taking care of themselves.
July 26th, 2010 at 9:37 am
I am sure he was feeling der love.
July 26th, 2010 at 11:44 am
If they’d had TechnoViking working crowd control, this would not have happened.
And yeah, you’d think normally orderly, sensible Germans would have had more sense than to herd thousands of excited people into a narrow, dark tunnel.