Hunk of the day!
By RT | August 18, 2010
Today’s hunk is none other than Wyatt! Vacation sure has been good to him. Look at that photo! He’s working it hard this vacation, so he can come back to chase down the bad guys.
In this postcard to Mrs. Crankipants, he describes the wonders of some r-n-r:

Dear Mrs. Crankipants,
I have been having an amazing time on the beaches of NJ. I get there early for some “alone” time, so that I can work my 24″ pythons and do squats with a 20-pound medicine ball. See, you squat and as you stand back up, you raise your arms over your head. Pretty soon, I’ll be up to 10 of them 100 of them. When I’m done those I find some volunteers (usually ladies, because they are lighter) that I can bench press. The lovely young ladies you see in the postcard are from a local home for the blind. They really enjoy the sensations of the breezes, salt air, and sounds of the waves. They say I’m the coolest, handsomest guy they ever met.
Well, I gotta go hang out with the “Guidos”. They said we can go tanning and to the store for some supplements.
Later, I’m going to teach the kids how to do push-ups with one arm. It always gives Mrs. Earp a good laugh, because the little ones can do more than me.
I’ll be back soon!
Your pal,
P.S. Tell RT I found the perfect guy for her. Oh, wait, never mind. I just saw the riptide take him out.
Topics: , Wyattastic | 4 Comments »
August 18th, 2010 at 9:22 am
Wyatt in a banana hammock, I never thought I’d see the day! I now have a new screensaver.
August 18th, 2010 at 4:08 pm
What happened to the BUG EYES???
August 18th, 2010 at 4:49 pm
BTW, RT, Nice job in Wyatt’s place. Keep ‘em coming!!
August 18th, 2010 at 7:57 pm
Mrs. Crankipants
When the eyes went back in the muscles popped out…much like those stress dolls that you squeeze.
Thank you. (Mrs. Crankipants gets all the credit for the artwork. She rocks!)