The Stormtroopers Take The Day Off
By Wyatt Earp | August 27, 2010
Regular readers know I am a Star Wars fanatic, so when something like this comes along, I make room for it here at SYLG. Someone originally posted this at Ace, and I have to admit, the photos are very clever. You must go and see the others – part one and part two – by clicking here. You won’t be disappointed.
There’s also another pic below the fold. I thought it was great for back to school.

Topics: Coolness! | 6 Comments »
August 27th, 2010 at 8:00 pm
I’m going to have to post the blackboard one on FB for my teacher buddies.
August 27th, 2010 at 8:47 pm
I’m a trekkie, but I still have to admit they are funny as heck!
August 27th, 2010 at 8:52 pm
Those are funny, thanks!
August 28th, 2010 at 12:07 am
Thanks for the link and the picture below the fold.
August 28th, 2010 at 10:21 am
This kind of re-calibrated my thoughts on Star Wars:
August 28th, 2010 at 11:14 am
RT – Yeah, they’ll get a kick out of that.
Kim – Definitely imaginative.
Old NFO – I thought they were a riot. And so simple, that you wonder how no one did this before.
Rick – You’re welcome.
Crankipants – I, like most fans of the original trilogy, thought the prequels were passable at best. I blame that on Lucas, who thought that he could write and direct them on his own, without the help of Kurtz, Irwin Kershner, and Lawrence Kasdan.
Lucas believed his won press, and threw so much FX into it, he sacrificed what made Star Wars great: story.