This Week’s Sign Of The Apocalypse
By Wyatt Earp | November 26, 2010

This year’s hottest Christmas gift:
In a blog post entitled “Expecto Legalus” on Greenberg Glusker’s website, attorney Dan Nabel points out that Harry Potter’s favorite sport Quidditch has recently become an actual athletic event with a competitive circuit in New York City. Nabel examines whether Warner Bros. has any legal recourse to shut it down. [I]t turns out that the studio has grabbed extensive trademark rights over “Quidditch.”
The fact that the studio trademarked “Quidditch” t-shirts will surprise nobody, but how about “Quidditch” lingerie?
Well, that’s one way to straighten out a magic wand.
Topics: Snarkasm | 7 Comments »
November 26th, 2010 at 10:30 am
If that article is anything to go by, Emma Watson’s derriere is just about the only thing associated with the Harry Potter franchise that didn’t get a Warner Bros. trademark slapped on it.
Not that I’ll ever have the chance to check for myself, mind you…
November 26th, 2010 at 11:20 am
Wes S. – I figured Harry Potter condoms, but they actually said no to that.
November 26th, 2010 at 11:58 am
There’s a line of Harry Potter thong underwear for overweight men. It’s called “Ridikulus”.
And please ask Wes to stop talking about slapping Emma Watson’s derriere!
November 26th, 2010 at 4:51 pm
I’d have loved to see them try…
November 26th, 2010 at 5:14 pm
F.Y.I. Harry Potter was a real person. He died in 1939. If would like I can send you the link.
November 27th, 2010 at 11:25 am
Proof – Oh you love it. Don’t blame Wes.
Old NFO – Either way, it would be damned entertaining.
Harp1034 – I still can’t believe so many publishers turned down the novels at first. Dumbasses.
November 27th, 2010 at 1:52 pm
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