Apache, Jump On It, Jump On It
By Wyatt Earp | September 24, 2011

Note to Code Monkey: Get thee to Gila Bend!
He has a reputation for letting his hair down when off-duty, so Prince Harry could be in for a shock when he arrives in Arizona for military training next month. The 27-year-old royal will attend Gila Bend Air Force Auxiliary Field in the middle of the desert.
As if such a hostile environment weren’t tough enough, the party-loving prince will also struggle to live the high-life when he is given leave. Gila Bend is a dusty one-road town that boasts a population of just 1,700 and ‘five old crabs’ – and it only has one bar.
He will stay at the remote location as part of a 12-week RAF Apache helicopter training course, following a short time in El Centro, California, where he will arrive in the first week of October.
One bar? Well, he’ll be easy to track. CM, if you needs stakeout tips, let me know.
Topics: The Troops | 4 Comments »
September 24th, 2011 at 9:14 am
Considering he’s been in combat in Afghanistan (before the MFM got his tour cut short) I don’t think the lack of a nightlife or other R&R will be too much of a hardship for him.
September 24th, 2011 at 10:22 am
According to the local paper the RJ, the students get time off in the middle of their training to come to Vegas.
It’s supposedly a tradition………………
September 24th, 2011 at 11:39 am
Howdy Wyatt!! Well Prince Harry is one “Royal” with whom I’d bet you could belt down a few and enjoy yourself! He appears to be a “regular” guy – has been in combat in Afghanistan too and, like any infantry guy with brains, has decided he’d rather fly and shoot than hump the boonies and shoot. A lesson I didn’t learn in time, myself! But good on you, Harry!
But I really find it upsetting that his location – his training and that “One” bar, has been reported in the MSM – cause we all know what the Al-Q and their ilk would love to do: capture Harry and use and abuse him before cutting off his head and making a best selling DVD out of the whole thing.
September 24th, 2011 at 12:19 pm
Isn’t is great how different Harry and his brother are from their wacko father!