Frog Needs To Turn In His Man Card
By Wyatt Earp | September 6, 2011

Pepe Le Pew would be ashamed of this guy.
The 51-year-old man was fined under article 215 of France’s civil code, which states married couples must agree to a “shared communal life”. A judge has now ruled that this law implies that “sexual relations must form part of a marriage”.
The legal decision came after the wife filed for divorce two years ago, blaming the break-up on her husband’s lack of activity in the bedroom. The 47-year-old ex-wife took him to court demanding 10,000 euros in compensation for “lack of sex over 21 years of marriage”.
But a judge in the south of France’s highest court in Aix-en-Provence ruled: “A sexual relationship between husband and wife is the expression of affection they have for each other, and in this case it was absent. By getting married, couples agree to sharing their life and this clearly implies they will have sex with each other.” (H/T – Smite)
Guys, you realize that goes both ways, right? Now get in there and demand “satisfaction” from your wife! Or a reasonable facsimile. Whatever works.
Topics: Evil = Funny | 10 Comments »
September 6th, 2011 at 10:10 pm
Need to see a picture of the wife to decide if the ‘man-card’ is forfeit.
September 6th, 2011 at 10:23 pm
Marvin – Damned fine point. I should have considered the ugly factor.
September 6th, 2011 at 11:27 pm
He probably had a boy friend and needed a cover story.
September 7th, 2011 at 12:07 am
Ugly factor? Please. I look like Gollum and the wife
still sleeps with mestays in the same room with me. Being sexually available is part of marriage. Not 100% of the time but now and then geez.September 7th, 2011 at 12:10 am
o/t – I’b back to my old Brock Samson pic and not my Fozzy the Bear headshot. Computers are confusing
September 7th, 2011 at 6:31 am
*** SIGH ***
Married for 31 years – - – is it Leap Year yet?
I believe we’re scheduled for February 29th . . . unless I forget about it . . . . which is what she’s counting on.
September 7th, 2011 at 10:40 am
Guys, you realize that goes both ways, right? Now get in there and demand “satisfaction” from your wife! Or a reasonable facsimile.
Enjoy your sexual assault charges. Because remember, according to the predominating theory on things like this (feminism), it isn’t slutty for a woman to want to bang all the time, but it’s rape if the guy even hints at asking.
September 7th, 2011 at 11:41 am
I want video when you try to serve Mrs. Wyatt the court order. Or will you go kinky… is there a restraining order involved too, nudge, nudge, wink, wink, knowwhatImean…?
September 8th, 2011 at 2:14 am
Pushin’ a rope shows intent, right?
September 8th, 2011 at 9:01 am
Ingineer66 – That’s thinking outside the box.
Fozzy – Agreed. At least once in a while.
Bluwall – St. John’s Wort is supposed to help with memory. Might be worth the money.
Ranba – Paging Gloria Steinem!
Richard – See? That’s not a terrible idea!
Skip – Eh, grey area.