Obama Admin Treats Women “Like Meat?”
By Wyatt Earp | September 17, 2011

Wow, maybe I had this guy all wrong. I’m just sayin’.
Top female advisers felt left out by a boy’s club in the White House where rampant infighting sabotaged the administration’s economic decisions, according to a controversial new book. Sidelined and ignored in the West Wing, some women aides reportedly complained to President Obama about their treatment in 2009.
Apparently, the broads didn’t appreciate it when the president said, “Get your bitch-ass in the kitchen and bake me a pie!”
If you believe the book, it wasn’t just aides and fluffers who were complaining; it was Obama’s communications director:
According to the Post, former White House Communications Director Anita Dunn says in the book: ‘This place would be in court for a hostile workplace because it actually fit all of the classic legal requirements for a genuinely hostile workplace to women.’
Dunn denied that she made the remark, adding: ‘The president is someone who when he goes home at night he goes home to a house full of very strong women. He values having strong women around him.’
Or strong men, like Michelle.
But Suskind’s book insists many women felt outmaneuvered by male colleagues such as former Chief-of-Staff Rahm Emanuel and, Larry Summers, former chairman of the National Economic Council.
‘I felt like a piece of meat,’ Christina Romer, former head of the Council of Economic Advisers, said of one meeting with Summers.
One of the commenters at the Daily Mail had the best response to that: “The only thing I will add is has anyone taken a good look at Christina Roemer? Not the best cut of meat for sure.” OUCH!
Look, from all appearances, Barack Obama is an arrogant ass. That being said, the article only mentions two names, and one of them – Dunn – is now denying she ever complained. One name and a lot of references to “many women” and “top female advisers” is not exactly incontrovertible proof.
Topics: Politics | 10 Comments »
September 17th, 2011 at 9:36 am
[...] Support Your Local Gunfighter contributes with “Obama admin. treats women like meat” [...]
September 17th, 2011 at 10:09 am
Howdy Wyatt! Sorry to hear about your problems last night in the prior post. Hope you feel better today. But look at it this way: You won’t be involved in today’s scheduled (no, I’m not joking) “Days of Rage” see:
http://www.examiner.com/conservative-in-national/beware-the-u-s-day-of-rage-september-17 and for a nice summary of it all, see: todays Bulldog Edition of http://www.correspondencecommittee.com – it appears that the crazies and loons aided and abetted by SEIU and the major players from the old ACORN are gonna demonstrate and cause a major ruckus on Wall Street in NYC, Seattle, L.A., San Franciso, Portland Oregon and Austin Texas. They are gonna be following the Days of Rage orgainized by the Billy Boy Ayers and Bernadine Dhorn led Weathermen thugs in 1968 Chicago. In other words, although Wall St. in NYC is closed today, they intend to take it over, set up tent encampments and try to committ acts of violence against property and anyone dumb enough to try to go to work in the Wall St area (and in the other places noted).
I’d suggest to all y’all to avoid those places; in 1968 Mayor Daley (the First) used the police as “Storm Troopers” to break up the crowds at the Dem Convention, but with a friendly White House, todays thugs don’t appear to have much to fear from the Police.
Still and all, SOME Police Officers will – no doubt – do their best to enforce the law and protect people (if not property) and will, I fear, wind up being injured themselves.
As far as I know, there will be no “Days of Rage” in Philly, so I hope you can stay safe out there, Wyatt.
September 17th, 2011 at 11:20 am
1.) In Muslim society, women are inferior; what did they expect?
2.) Muslims have a strong prohibition against pork–’nuff said.
September 17th, 2011 at 11:44 am
The Chicago “Days of Rage” were three days in October 1969 that were only linked to the 1968 Dem Convention by the Weather Underground and other radical groups.
I don’t care for Wikipedia but their link follows:
September 17th, 2011 at 11:55 am
Loaded Dice in Vegas: Wiki could be right; I was in Advanced Infantry Training in Ocober of 1969; but I did see the 1968 Chicago Riots at the Dem National Convention.
But my larger point was to hope Wyatt doesn’t run into anything like that in Philly and for him to take special care out there today.
And for all y’all who live in or are visiting those locations I mentioned to take care. Lefty demonstrations have a distressing tendency to turn violent.
September 17th, 2011 at 12:08 pm
realwest says
But my larger point was to hope Wyatt doesn’t run into anything like that in Philly and for him to take special care out there today.
And for all y’all who live in or are visiting those locations I mentioned to take care. Lefty demonstrations have a distressing tendency to turn violent.
You’re absolutely correct.
The main thing is for all LEOs to stay safe ALWAYS.
God Bless the Police…………………
September 17th, 2011 at 2:28 pm
That book could be a broadside from a fan of Hillary!, her followers are still angry about the anti-wymyn way they feel she was treated in the last election by Obama and Minitrue.
September 17th, 2011 at 3:25 pm
Obama is on strong theological ground to treat women the way he does.
September 17th, 2011 at 8:07 pm
has anyone taken a good look at Christina Roemer?
Are you sure that isn’t John Goodman ?
September 18th, 2011 at 1:51 am
This whole admistration is stepping on their dick, daily.
From Acorn to Fast and Furious to solar companys to GE to etc., etc.
What part of this lib bunch has worked?
Not one lib has had a job. Not Pelosi, Harry, Chuckie, Botoxer, none of ‘em.
And Boner isn’t the sharpest knife either.